Honoring their Service and Supporting their Needs
We provide active duty military, veterans, and their families assistance and support in times of need.
News & Events
Honoring all those who have served in the U.S military
The Thank a Service Member (TASM) mission is to “Honor the Service and Support the Needs” of the military men and women who have served our country and their families. We accomplish our mission through the development of programs that focus on awareness, community involvement, tributes and appreciation ceremonies, outreach programs, and education.
What We Do
We create programs designed to provide solutions to the problems faced by active duty military, veterans, and their families.
Our programs have directly reached thousands of military veterans and their families, and we also provide connective services to help guide veterans towards programs that meet their needs.
Our Programs
Military Appreciation Campaign
Saying, “thank you” to the military men and women who have served our country by conducting appreciation and commemoration events.
Community Education Programs and Events
We work hard to educate the public on everything from showing respect to the US Flag to critical issues affecting veterans of all ages.
Veterans Reintegration and Employment
Our Veterans’ Reintegration and Employment Program (VREP) focuses on providing critical linkages to a variety of supportive services and guiding veterans into meaningful employment within the labor force.
Scholarships for children of military veterans.
Our scholarship program is designed to inspire and assist children of military veterans.
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What you can do

Give your support
Sponsorships and underwriting of our mission help broaden our organization’s programs and outreach. In fact, our programs are supported solely through the generous support of the community.

Our ability to recruit and retain members who have the experience, dedication, energy, and passion necessary to manage the organization and its programs will be the key to our future success.

Attend Events
Our events, which are always free of charge, are made possible by patriotic companies across America. When events are possible in your area, your support matters.
News & Events
The Latest
Memorial Day Weekend Watchfire Event Planned for May 28th at Lake Neatahwanta
Thank a Service Member Founder Receives Veteran of the Year Recognition by the City of Fulton, New York
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